This was a sculpture I made after 2 years away from ig builds due to injury problems that needed rest to recover.
I had moved into working with Mental health and homeless clients and had been running art workshops but was keen to get back to sculpture in the forest.
I have a long relationship with Bradwell Wood near to my home in Newcastle,it has been a place of inspiration and a supply of fresh sticks to practise with I run a group to look after the wood and this was a gift to the local people.
It was also a fitness test to see how far I could push my injuries and how to manage the recovery and make sculpture at the same time. The work was completed in spring 2019 and stood for a year undiscovered by most of the local community.
Covid 19 Put us all in lockdown and when we all emerged pictures of the wizard started to go viral on Instagram and it became a challenge to find the wizards hat in Bradwell wood. I have never seen so many families enjoying the woods before.
We now have over 500 members in our group and the children have been making things and decorating the trails to make treasure hunts. An unexpected success and a chance to build a community to help fix up the woods.